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Dare your voice! – Discover and free your voice

Come sing and let your heart speak

This workshop invites you to discover and free your voice. A moment to reconnect with yourself, your creativity, and others..

Exploring and mastering your voice means giving yourself the opportunity to express what resonates within you, getting to know yourself better, and letting go of fears—the fear of others, of yourself, of judgement.

Singing is a universal art, present in all cultures since the beginning of time. It is a form of healing that brings us more love and joy through our entire body and connects us through the power of vibration.

What can you expect?

  • Body & breathing: Awareness and control of breathing (muscles, posture, emotions) in singing and sound production.
  • Vocal technique & expression
    Progressive exercises that activate the whole body to develop the voice, explore its possibilities, improve quality, and enrich the timbre.
  • Creative voice expression
    Voice and rhythm games, improvisation, and circle songs to explore one's own creativity within a safe and supportive environment.

For whom?

This workshop is accessible to everyone: men, women, mothers, pregnant women... No singing experience is required, just the desire to sing, to vibrate, and to do something good for yourself.


Every Wednesday from 10:00 to 11:30

Information & registration

  • Per individual session: €20
  • Series of 5 sessions: €75